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Clockwork VFX is a visual effects and CG animation company based in Dubai, UAE. I have been working for Clockwork VFX since 2012 as a Character Animator. And since that time, I had the pleasure to have worked on cool projects, mostly tv commercials for toys like Transformers Prime, Angry Birds Star Wars Jenga Game and Playdoh to name a few. 


Each project is a collaborative effort spear-headed by great supervisors and project leads. I'm proud to to be working for such an awesome studio alongside talented artists. A big thanks to the Clockwork VFX team: Jason, Mia, Marc, Rob, Nigel, Geof, Vojo, George, Volts and Jason Tamayo and his team. 


All materials are ©Star Cinema/AmbientMedia. I'm proud to have worked on this project. RPG Metanoia is the first full-length 3D animated feature in the Philippines that was shown on December 2010. Here is a compilation of some of the animation that I did for the movie and one of the countdown ads. I'm responsible for all the character animation in this reel. 

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